हमारे आस-पास बहुत कुछ गलत होता है , उसके खिलाफ आवाज़ उठाना तो जायज़ है । पर वहीँ बहुत कुछ अच्छा भी हुआ है , और हो भी रहा है ! ऐसे अच्छे प्रयासों और कारनामो पर पूरे समाज की नज़र पडनी ही चाहिए ! सकरात्मक के प्रचार से कुछ और अच्छा होने की सम्भावनाये बढेंगी ! ऐसे लोग , ऐसे स्थान , ऐसा साहित्य , ऐसी धरोहर, अगर हमारे आस पास है , या फिर हमारी जानकारी में है ……… तो उसको और लोगो तक पहुंचाएं ! यह हम सबकी नैतिक जिम्मेदारी भी है , और कर्तव्य भी है ! आईये क़दम बढ़ाएं ! हम सबका का यह अच्छा क़दम बहुत से बुरे क़दमों को रोक लेगा ! ऐसा कम से कम मुझे तो पक्का विश्वास है !
very effective tips and technique to increase your positivity in simple Hindi language.
Find Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence.Positivity has a big impact on how the person is behaving and performing? A positive self-esteem may cause certain people to behave confident and very competitive.
This app is a positivity builder and your ultimate guide to boost positivity to achieve goals in life.
Find Some of the most powerful self improvement tools to build confidence and influence people and achieve new heights in life
this app deal with a variety of subjects like human relationship, personality development, time and stress management, moral ethics, spiritual values, etc.
Self Improvement For Real, Self Improvement Guide, How to Gain Confidence, Self Confidence Quotes,
Unlock Your Mind Power, Motivation & Inspiration Quote, See Yourself Through God's Eye,
Confidence Motivational tips, How to Win Friends and Influence, Self Confidence Magazine,
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How To Boost Self Confidence, Positivity Booster, Self-Esteem Blackboard, Self Confidence Hypnosis,
100% Confidence Builder, Total Confidence & Success, How to be Positive, Personal Development Hypnosis,
Think Self-Confident!, Positive Building Guide, Self Confidence and Healing, How To Boost Self Confidence!,
Sakratmakata Kaise Badhaye
self motivation, motivational stories in Hindi, daily motivation, guru, motivation coach, Never give up
100% free
Offline app no need to internet connection to access app
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Excellent tips to increase positivity by scientific technique
1. This app is a self-contained offline app with a part of the contents from public domain.
2. The purpose of app is to provide entertainment/general information to user. All the images and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at newsfortechie@gmail.com with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended
There is a lot of things happening around us, it is just right to raise voice against him. But there has been a lot of good things, and it has happened! Such good efforts and exploits must look at the entire society! The possibility of being better than promoting Sakarya will increase! Such people, such a place, such literature, such heritage, if it is around us, or in our information ... then send it to more people! It is also the moral responsibility of all of us, and it is also duty! Let's step up! This good step of all of us will stop many bad steps! At least I believe so!
very positive tips and techniques
Find Killer Actions to Boost Your Self-Confidence.Positivity has a big impact on how the person is behaving and performing? A positive self-esteem may cause certain people to behave in confidence and very competitive.
This app is a positivity builder and your ultimate guide to boost positivity to achieve goals in life.
Find some of the most powerful self-improvement tools to build confidence and influence people
This app deal with a variety of subjects like human relations, personality development, time and stress management, moral ethics, spiritual values, etc.
Self Improvement for Real, Self Improvement Guide, How to Gain Confidence, Self Confidence Quotes,
Unlock Your Mind Power, Motivation & Inspiration Quote, See Yourself Through God's Eye,
Confidence Motivational Tips, How to Win Friends and Influence, Self Confidence Magazine,
Self Confidence Tips, Free Self Esteem Hypnosis, How To Boost Your Positivity, Rise SELF-ESTEEM,
How To Boost Self Confidence, Positivity Booster, Self-Esteem Blackboard, Self Confidence Hypnosis,
100% Confidence Builder, Total Confidence & Success, How to be Positive, Personal Development Hypnosis,
Think Self-Confident !, Positive Building Guide, Self Confidence and Healing, How To Boost Self Confidence !,
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self motivation, motivational stories in Hindi, daily motivation, guru, motivation coach, never give up
100% free
Offline app
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Easy to use
Excellent tips to increase positivity by scientific technique
1. This app is a self-contained offline application.
2. The purpose of the application is to provide entertainment / general information to user. All images and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All images are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership / copyright of material / media used in the app We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners If you are right in any content in the app, please write to us at newsfortechie@gmail.com with the copyright information of the original source. No infringement intended